
Be free to interpret it how you please because that is what the subculture is. Yes, they have purpose to who they represent but there is a broad spectrum behind who they appear to be. They are the people who express independent thinking, counteractive creativity, and self-expression but are the same people who take old out of date articles of clothing and claim it to be “in”.


The hipster culture is viewed amongst people to see them as people who do not hold a purpose in life because though they view differently and can articulate as others, they separate themselves from the world around them by standing out or just being out of the box when it comes to defining the lines of clothing, food, and living. “I want a vegan burger but put ketchup on it because I love it.” That is something along the lines of what a hipster would express because they are the creatively weird people in society.


women-hipster-glasses-5three hipsters

The hipsters themselves are shunned upon society because they do not stand for morally anything in their life and their self expressions are frowned upon. It is possible that people view the hipster culture non inclusive because they are imagined to be directed for those who are skinny, want to turn rags to riches, and see genius in everything.


So what really defines a hipster? Just because someone can tie their own hair into a man bun or someone who is into skinny jeans and an oversized sweater does not mean they are hipster. The term hipster does not have to derogatory and criticize who are different. It should be the name for those who see different as good and who want to send a different message for trendsetters.